Our government at this time is headed by George W. Bush, whose selection by
the Supreme Court rather than by an election finally has finally become unmask-
ed by the voting public. This horrid excuse for leadership is slipping in the polls
and in the public eye.
This newer version of "King George" is not unlike the Wizard of Oz character,
that was caught hiding behind the curtains by Dorthy's dog, Toto!
His stance as a so called "Compassionate Conservative" is not much of a reality
in anyway that anyone can easily see! Aside from his using the book -
"Dummy's Guide to Germany in the 1930s" and always claiming guidance from
Jesus the Christ; this man is only revealing how shallow he actually is but in all
reality is only creating constant havoc and harm!
The quality of leadership he has projected to us all is more akin to a dry drunk,
stoned on himself, a jive Bible toting fool, which I had met up with in my college
days. We termed his type then as "frat rats". He even does a great amount of
disservice to those gentlemen, now that I reflect on it.
One of the prime manifestations of his limited approach to his constituents
is this "WAR ON SOME DRUGS"! George W. Bush has not very been Christian
in his treatment of the chronically ill, their caregivers and families, physicians,
law enforcement officers, district attorneys, the judges and jailers to keep
this government created Control of Peoples lives. Cruel and unrealistic medical
controls on the actual needs of patients and physicians is not very much
different than the treatment of the dissenters, Jewish peoples or liberals
in the "Rise of the Third Reich"!
Just think about what type of government this is that would not allow the
accused person from mounting a defense. Ed Rosenthal a PhD. was not given
the right to defend himself, note that he is appointed a deputy of the city of
Oakland, that he was assisting the sick with medical marijuana plants due to
his well known expertise in botanical studies (he is a noted author as well),
and most shocking was his own attorneys were not allowed to present any
relevant facts of the case on his behalf. Even the jurors were stunned by the
tactics and limitations the judge placed on this case! Soon after the verdict
was pronounced, this jury held a press conference in which they apologized
for rendering a decision without knowing the full facts and truth! It is a gross
injustice and very unfortunate that there are numerous others who are in
jail and up for trial because of the unjust system of control on the defendants,
trial attorneys, courts and prospective witness for the accused! With this
form of prosecution; it is very revealing that the chronic ill, their families,
their caregivers, their doctors and even their defense attorneys are muzzled
in the federal courts from exercising "Constitutional Rights"!
This is primarily a human rights problem now and is also a direct violation of
ability to say that we live in a "Free Country". If you are ill, this form of justice
is "just-us" or "just-ice"!
The world of plants predates the onset of human beings on earth. If we
take a good look at the words of Genesis 1:29 and what this administration
is doing (oh yes, the "Compassionate Christian"); we can only hold our rage
against this contrived policy that promotes so much cruelty, injustice and a
definitely contemptible corrupted form of Compassion.
The original vote for Proposition 215 (titled The Compassionate Use Act) on
November 5th 1996 in the state of California that was Passed by a majority
of those that voted! Based on the Constitution of California; it became law
from that moment of the final tally count on. Mr. Bush has had his Justice
Department, specifically the DEA, attack the sick (patients), the caregivers
who assist and grow for the patients, our physicians and the ability to apply
this state law to aid in treatment. So, I will not harp on this aspect too much,
This article below is right on target. One simple question to consider is
"Who is not subject to illness or does not get sick"?
Another is "By what right am I or anyone Free to utilize the Gifts of the Sacred"?
Something like "We hold these Truths to be self evident" from "our" own U.S.
Constitution has been lost by the mind and actions of George W. Bush.
Soon a major portion of the "baby boomers" will be entering old age and know
full well that their own past experiences with this Sacred Herb does not hold
any alignment to the methodology of pharmaceutical institutional control over
basic Truth.
Cannabis is older than mankind, all human beings are born with THC receptors
throughout their bodies, the use of Cannabis is ancient and quite effective, it
is an extremely plant that has proven to be useful in a large variety of treatments.
Researchers from all over the planet have confirmed that this is a safe and effective
herb and are rushing to produce more medicines centered around their
potential uses. We do have the Freedom of Choice to use that which we chose to
alleviate our plight and help us heal.
This "War On Some Drugs" is way off the mark and will lead us the way of past
Prohibitions! The time is NOW to STOP this MADNESS.
If George W. (for Wasted) Bush (as in the Burning Bush) is projecting that he is
a "Compassionate Christian", then one would assume that Jesus the Christ would
have treated people in this manner!
Please take a moment and review the words of this Op-Ed with your Heart...
Bush's painful obsession with medical pot
by Kate Scannell
Oct 26, 2003
I have known too many patients who have lived miserably or died
painfully to have patience with the Bush administration's intrusive
attempts to bar them from discussing medical marijuana with their
I've seen one too many old men spend their final hours nauseated and
vomiting while their distressed and helpless families watched. One
too many women with cancer who linger, bone-thin and languid, as
their loved ones beg for "something" to make them feel better.
And I, like so many doctors, have witnessed the therapeutic relief
that many such patients experience after using marijuana. Their
illnesses become less miserable, their difficult deaths are made more
And those reasons explain precisely why the federal government's
relentless attempts to bar patients from access to medical marijuana
constitute both cruel and unusual crimes against us all. They are
wrong-headed and politically driven obsessions, not compassionate
advisements intended to relieve human suffering.
As a patient, when I'm feeling ill, I don't want John Ashcroft's
opinion about the best medical treatment for my condition. When
someone I love visits a medical clinic because she is sick to death,
I hope that she will be met by a doctor who will give her truthful
advice born of experience and a focused dedication to her well being.
I pray that she is not met by a federal agent with no clinical skills
whose primary allegiance is to a political agenda.
As a doctor, I am stunned by the intensity of the Bush
administration's obsession with medical marijuana. It boggles my mind
to think that our government officials are spending so much time and
money to obstruct the use of a medication that might actually help
cancer patients tolerate their chemotherapy, AIDS patients gain a
little weight, glaucoma patients suffer less.
We have yet to see any data from the Feds that explains why medicinal
marijuana should be excluded from pharmacy shelves that already
contain morphine and codeine -- as well as a host of other drugs for
conditions like heart disease or seizures that have longer potential
side effect profiles.
I wish the administration would channel some of that energy towards,
say, improving pain control in our debilitated nursing home patients.
Or facilitating clinical research trials with medical marijuana so
that credible science could replace emotional rhetoric about the
drug's efficacy.
IT was heartening that on Oct. 14, the U.S. Supreme Court decided not
to entertain the Bush administration's latest attempt to silence
discussions about medical marijuana between doctors and patients.
Specifically, the high court declined to re-examine last year's
ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that
said doctors could speak freely with patients about the potential
benefits of medical marijuana.
But had the Bush administration gotten its way this time, the federal
government would have acquired the authority to punish a doctor who
simply advised patients that medical marijuana might relieve their
pain and suffering. The Bush administration would have gained the
right to slap a federal offense on that doctor, revoke her ability to
write prescriptions, and subject her to criminal prosecution. And in
the meantime, while that doctor's prosecution might have given cause
for some deluded Washington administrators to raise their glasses in
a rabid toast to the war on drugs, a doctor who had tried to serve
her ailing patients with honesty and compassion is sidelined, and her
patients are stranded.
We do have a drug problem in this country, but if it's to be solved,
reason and clear vision must guide us. The Feds' relentless attacks
on physicians who discuss medical marijuana as a potential means of
alleviating their patients' suffering smacks of cheap theatrics in a
desperate effort to stage some semblance of a victory in the real war
on drugs.
Kate Scannell is an East Bay physician and writer.
Our government at this time is headed by George W. Bush, whose selection by
the Supreme Court rather than by an election finally has finally become unmask-
ed by the voting public. This horrid excuse for leadership is slipping in the polls
and in the public eye.
This newer version of "King George" is not unlike the Wizard of Oz character,
that was caught hiding behind the curtains by Dorthy's dog, Toto!
His stance as a so called "Compassionate Conservative" is not much of a reality
in anyway that anyone can easily see! Aside from his using the book -
"Dummy's Guide to Germany in the 1930s" and always claiming guidance from
Jesus the Christ; this man is only revealing how shallow he actually is but in all
reality is only creating constant havoc and harm!
The quality of leadership he has projected to us all is more akin to a dry drunk,
stoned on himself, a jive Bible toting fool, which I had met up with in my college
days. We termed his type then as "frat rats". He even does a great amount of
disservice to those gentlemen, now that I reflect on it.
One of the prime manifestations of his limited approach to his constituents
is this "WAR ON SOME DRUGS"! George W. Bush has not very been Christian
in his treatment of the chronically ill, their caregivers and families, physicians,
law enforcement officers, district attorneys, the judges and jailers to keep
this government created Control of Peoples lives. Cruel and unrealistic medical
controls on the actual needs of patients and physicians is not very much
different than the treatment of the dissenters, Jewish peoples or liberals
in the "Rise of the Third Reich"!
Just think about what type of government this is that would not allow the
accused person from mounting a defense. Ed Rosenthal a PhD. was not given
the right to defend himself, note that he is appointed a deputy of the city of
Oakland, that he was assisting the sick with medical marijuana plants due to
his well known expertise in botanical studies (he is a noted author as well),
and most shocking was his own attorneys were not allowed to present any
relevant facts of the case on his behalf. Even the jurors were stunned by the
tactics and limitations the judge placed on this case! Soon after the verdict
was pronounced, this jury held a press conference in which they apologized
for rendering a decision without knowing the full facts and truth! It is a gross
injustice and very unfortunate that there are numerous others who are in
jail and up for trial because of the unjust system of control on the defendants,
trial attorneys, courts and prospective witness for the accused! With this
form of prosecution; it is very revealing that the chronic ill, their families,
their caregivers, their doctors and even their defense attorneys are muzzled
in the federal courts from exercising "Constitutional Rights"!
This is primarily a human rights problem now and is also a direct violation of
ability to say that we live in a "Free Country". If you are ill, this form of justice
is "just-us" or "just-ice"!
The world of plants predates the onset of human beings on earth. If we
take a good look at the words of Genesis 1:29 and what this administration
is doing (oh yes, the "Compassionate Christian"); we can only hold our rage
against this contrived policy that promotes so much cruelty, injustice and a
definitely contemptible corrupted form of Compassion.
The original vote for Proposition 215 (titled The Compassionate Use Act) on
November 5th 1996 in the state of California that was Passed by a majority
of those that voted! Based on the Constitution of California; it became law
from that moment of the final tally count on. Mr. Bush has had his Justice
Department, specifically the DEA, attack the sick (patients), the caregivers
who assist and grow for the patients, our physicians and the ability to apply
this state law to aid in treatment. So, I will not harp on this aspect too much,
This article below is right on target. One simple question to consider is
"Who is not subject to illness or does not get sick"?
Another is "By what right am I or anyone Free to utilize the Gifts of the Sacred"?
Something like "We hold these Truths to be self evident" from "our" own U.S.
Constitution has been lost by the mind and actions of George W. Bush.
Soon a major portion of the "baby boomers" will be entering old age and know
full well that their own past experiences with this Sacred Herb does not hold
any alignment to the methodology of pharmaceutical institutional control over
basic Truth.
Cannabis is older than mankind, all human beings are born with THC receptors
throughout their bodies, the use of Cannabis is ancient and quite effective, it
is an extremely plant that has proven to be useful in a large variety of treatments.
Researchers from all over the planet have confirmed that this is a safe and effective
herb and are rushing to produce more medicines centered around their
potential uses. We do have the Freedom of Choice to use that which we chose to
alleviate our plight and help us heal.
This "War On Some Drugs" is way off the mark and will lead us the way of past
Prohibitions! The time is NOW to STOP this MADNESS.
If George W. (for Wasted) Bush (as in the Burning Bush) is projecting that he is
a "Compassionate Christian", then one would assume that Jesus the Christ would
have treated people in this manner!
Please take a moment and review the words of this Op-Ed with your Heart...
Bush's painful obsession with medical pot
by Kate Scannell
Oct 26, 2003
I have known too many patients who have lived miserably or died
painfully to have patience with the Bush administration's intrusive
attempts to bar them from discussing medical marijuana with their
I've seen one too many old men spend their final hours nauseated and
vomiting while their distressed and helpless families watched. One
too many women with cancer who linger, bone-thin and languid, as
their loved ones beg for "something" to make them feel better.
And I, like so many doctors, have witnessed the therapeutic relief
that many such patients experience after using marijuana. Their
illnesses become less miserable, their difficult deaths are made more
And those reasons explain precisely why the federal government's
relentless attempts to bar patients from access to medical marijuana
constitute both cruel and unusual crimes against us all. They are
wrong-headed and politically driven obsessions, not compassionate
advisements intended to relieve human suffering.
As a patient, when I'm feeling ill, I don't want John Ashcroft's
opinion about the best medical treatment for my condition. When
someone I love visits a medical clinic because she is sick to death,
I hope that she will be met by a doctor who will give her truthful
advice born of experience and a focused dedication to her well being.
I pray that she is not met by a federal agent with no clinical skills
whose primary allegiance is to a political agenda.
As a doctor, I am stunned by the intensity of the Bush
administration's obsession with medical marijuana. It boggles my mind
to think that our government officials are spending so much time and
money to obstruct the use of a medication that might actually help
cancer patients tolerate their chemotherapy, AIDS patients gain a
little weight, glaucoma patients suffer less.
We have yet to see any data from the Feds that explains why medicinal
marijuana should be excluded from pharmacy shelves that already
contain morphine and codeine -- as well as a host of other drugs for
conditions like heart disease or seizures that have longer potential
side effect profiles.
I wish the administration would channel some of that energy towards,
say, improving pain control in our debilitated nursing home patients.
Or facilitating clinical research trials with medical marijuana so
that credible science could replace emotional rhetoric about the
drug's efficacy.
IT was heartening that on Oct. 14, the U.S. Supreme Court decided not
to entertain the Bush administration's latest attempt to silence
discussions about medical marijuana between doctors and patients.
Specifically, the high court declined to re-examine last year's
ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that
said doctors could speak freely with patients about the potential
benefits of medical marijuana.
But had the Bush administration gotten its way this time, the federal
government would have acquired the authority to punish a doctor who
simply advised patients that medical marijuana might relieve their
pain and suffering. The Bush administration would have gained the
right to slap a federal offense on that doctor, revoke her ability to
write prescriptions, and subject her to criminal prosecution. And in
the meantime, while that doctor's prosecution might have given cause
for some deluded Washington administrators to raise their glasses in
a rabid toast to the war on drugs, a doctor who had tried to serve
her ailing patients with honesty and compassion is sidelined, and her
patients are stranded.
We do have a drug problem in this country, but if it's to be solved,
reason and clear vision must guide us. The Feds' relentless attacks
on physicians who discuss medical marijuana as a potential means of
alleviating their patients' suffering smacks of cheap theatrics in a
desperate effort to stage some semblance of a victory in the real war
on drugs.
Kate Scannell is an East Bay physician and writer.